How Bridging Loans For Business Can Help You
Commercial bridging loans are available to individuals & businesses & can be secured against commercial property.
There are numerous situations where a Bridge Loan can be utilised. A loan can often be secured quicker than a traditional mortgage and without the rigorous credit checks.
Bridging Finance Solutions available from UK’s leading business bridging loan lenders
We work with one of the top commercial bridging loans specialists who help individuals, limited companies, SPV limited companies, and charities find the most competitive secured, short-term funding packages on the market.
We only arrange commercial bridging loans, heavy/light refurbishment finance,and development finance – these are our areas of expertise. The members of staff who work on your case have decades of collective experience in finding the right lender for each deal, no matter how simple or complex the funding structure.
In most cases, you'll receive a firm decision within 24 hours of supplying all the documentation and information we need to package your detail to our chosen partner lenders.
Do you require a commercial bridging loans secured against multiple properties or other assets?
There are many niche bridging loan providers on our panel and they may be able to help you with as little as one day’s notice. Please get in touch.
What is a bridge loan?
- An unregulated residential bridging loan is a form of short term finance used to:
- purchase residential property
- purchase property requiring renovation or refurbishment which is intended for residential use
- raise capital
The bridging loan may be secured on the property being purchased or on any other assets of value including:
- commercial and semi-commercial property
- development land (with or without planning permission)
Bridging loans are used to finance the planning, construction work, and completion of new commercial developments, change of use or refurbishments. With this type of loan, you have up to two years (depending on the length of the term you agree with your lender) to finish the work and arrange your exit (when you pay back the loan.
If your intended construction project is particularly large or complex, benefit from speaking now with our development finance team.
Let us help you find the best commercial bridging loan
We work with one of the UK’s leading specialist providers of bridging loans. If you need funding at short notice from an established lender at competitive rates, please contact our lending team straight away.
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